Dear friends and people of the internet,
I am working on a project & would like to collaborate with you! Your assistance is necessary for me to complete it.
To participate, please send me your New Year's resolutions, or if you don't prefer to use that terminology, please share what you hope to do/accomplish in the year 2016. You can send me as many or as few as you want and they can be as vague or as specific or as funny or as serious as you'd like!
Your name will not appear with your contributions.
Please feel free to share this with your friends & family and have them respond as well, or just post/email their responses to me. In any case, I encourage you to talk to your loved ones about their hopes and dreams because it is important to know what they people in your life are looking to get out of their time and what they want to accomplish. It makes it all the easier to support them and love them in a way that works for everyone.
You can post your responses in a comment here, on Twitter @fiveglue, or send them to my email, Your name does not need to be attached to anything but if an email is provided or if we are friends on the Facebooks, I will keep you apprised to the project and how we will celebrate your contributions soon.
I will not be using any contributions made after Dec. 31, 2015.
I will not be using any contributions made after Dec. 31, 2015.
Thank you so much for your help. As a little thank you, here is a picture of my cats:
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