It is very likely this post deserves a lot more depth than I am about to give it, so how about if you are interested in all the juicy details, drop me a line or ask me next time we bump into each other....
I was invited by my dear friend
Ben Clark, who also happens to be one of my favorite poets, to join him in Chicago for his new book's release show and celebratory shindig. The event itself gets to stake claim on One Of My Favorite Nights Ever, where I got to meet my longtime small-publisher crush, Rebecca from
Meekling Press, AND share the stage with
Emily Rose and
Marty McConnell, not to mention witness an incredible performance of Ben's book by him and his longtime friend, whose story the new book is based on.
reading off tiny scraps of paper in a basement in chicago |
the humble reading cave |
The book (Ben's) is called If You Will Turn Around I Will Turn Around, put out by
Thoughtcrime Press. Go buy it and read it and feel it.
new & old chicago friends |
While I was staying with the most wonderful and hospitable hosts in the world- who took me to even more poetry readings and all the bookstores- chances had it that my buddy
Colin was also traveling through the city on tour with Amelia Gray and Aaron Burch, and our whole troop of traveling writers all crashed at the same little house in Logan Square. We had a delightful time stomping around the city- attended writing events, absorbed the view of the lake and the city and the sky from a tall building downtown, spent too many tokens at a barcade until late at night... Beyond the fun I notice there was an underlying seriousness, a thoughtfulness, like everyone was still working, still plotting and planning... the state of mind I think I am maybe all too often in... anyway, it was fantastic to see everyone so active in their art, specifically WRITING, you know, touring and making shit happen. I'd love to wrangle a tour with a book of poems and some friends someday. Let's make shit happen! Okay.